
创建时间:  2013/10/28  罗清池   浏览次数:

讲座:Where Are The Women? Reproductive Politics and Digital Media in the 2012 US Presidential Election


演讲者:Dr Valentina Cardo



演讲内容概要:Social media have been seen as the solution to the crisis of democracy, for giving voice to traditionally marginalised groups and for facilitating horizontal as well as vertical political communication. What role gender plays at the intersection between political communication and social media is though still largely understudied. This paper analyses how women candidates used Twitter as a tool for political communication during the 2012 US presidential election. In particular, it evaluates the extent to which they were able to adopt a gendered rhetoric to address their constituents. The paper explores whether social media provides a space for female candidates to gender their political language. It further asks whether gendering political communication through social media can be seen as an attempt to represent voters in symbolic as well as descriptive ways. Ultimately this paper evaluates whether social media make political strategies and communications more democratic.

演讲者介绍:Dr Valentina Cardo is a lecturer in political communication at the University of Auckland. She is interested in how politics (that is, political ideas, values, ideologies, policy) is communicated through popular channels and the democratic consequences of such communication. Her research spans in two broad directions: the role that social media play in communicating politics and facilitating democratic practices, with a special focus on gender; and the ways in which popular culture can be thought of as a political tool.

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